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: Dame Deborah James launches two new slogan t-shirts to raise money for her BowelBabe fund and says designing them has 'kept her going'Īre YOU sure your dog is getting everything it needs? Why you should consider a supplement to ensure your pet is getting the best 'He approached ME': Woman pictured in bed with Andy Carroll claims he used a basic chat-up line on her as more details emerge days before his wedding Amber Heard trial: From 'hero' witnesses to the actor's 'powerhouse' attorney Camille Vasquez Mama June Shannon, 42, 'loses custody of daughter Honey Boo Boo, 16,' in court battle with daughter, Lauryn Efird, 22 as The Wanted confirm they will not perform as they need time Tom Parker's widow Kelsey takes their kids to a bookshop to buy their father's memoir.

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as she waits on jury for ugly defamation case with Johnny Depp AMBER HEARD TRIAL LIVE: Johnny Depp wins libel lawsuit against ex-wife Amber HeardĪliana Mawla hits the beach in a bikini while thinking romance with Liam Payne is still ON - but Maya Henry thinks it was just a '48-hour fling'ĭolph Lundgren, 64, says he had a 'great' time working with Aquaman co-star Amber Heard.

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